About me
The short of it is that my career path is well over 10 years in the making. Knowing the direction I wanted to go has always been fairly obvious to me. I have always wanted to help people become organized and educated with their finances. Simple.
I said help “people”, but who are my people?
“I have no desire to build a life to retire from... I want to build a life from which I don’t want to retire!"
I love working with passionate and driven small business owners, solopreneurs, professionals and creatives. You are good at your business – let me help with what I am good at!
I want to be on your team – I want to help you get your business organized, your state and federal taxes filed taking advantage of all opportunities, and your financial picture clear now and into the future!
Let me help you succeed - if you do then I do!
More about me… The short version:
- MBA emphasizing in finance.
- CPA designation.
- Provided tax consulting for entrepreneurs for largest CPA firm in Tennessee.
- Presently provide tax and financial services for entrepreneurs.
The journey has been anything but linear. If you want to know more about my story, click here (coming soon).